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Expert Herniated Disc Treatment in St. Louis

A herniated disc is when the cushioned discs between the vertebrae rupture, allowing the inner jelly-like substance to leak. Herniated discs are known by many names, such as slipped disc, ruptured disc, or bulging discs, and can protrude far enough to compress the nerve or spinal canal. Often times, easy symptoms to identify a herniated disc are numbness and muscle weakness, and low back, buttock, or leg pain.

If you are suffering from any of these symptoms of a herniated disc within the St. Louis area, reach out to our expert team at our St. Louis chiropractic practice at your earliest convenience. 

At Team-Health Chiropractic LLC, we have successfully treated herniated discs throughout our 19 years using a variety of methodology. We will provide a personalized, in depth consultation to help achieve relief from the pain and symptoms of your herniated disc. Some of the individualized treatment options we provide include physical therapy and spinal manipulation.

Of course, treatment will vary based on your unique situation. If you are looking for an expert chiropractic in the St. Louis area, call today for a personal assessment of your symptoms and a customized treatment plan.